On February 8, 2021, at the initiative of the UPU IB, a meeting was held on the information technology strategy in the next cycle of the UPU Congress in the VKS format, using the Zoom platform.
The above meeting was opened by Andrey Sudakov, Program Coordinator in Europe, CIS and related programs of the UPU International Bureau.
The meeting was moderated by Yuri Spiriev, Regional Expert of the UPU IB and Regional Project Coordinator for the Europe and CIS region.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the UPU International Bureau: Lati Matata, Director of the Directorate of the Center for Postal Technologies; David Avsek, Accounts and Product Management Coordinator.
Representatives and experts of RUE "Belpochta" headed by Drozdovich Elena Vasilievna, Deputy General Director for Operations, Chairman of the RCC Working Group on Operation and Quality of Postal Services.
Representatives of the RCC Executive Committee: General Director Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich, Deputy General Director Zorya Natalia Evgenievna, Head of the Sector Kirichenko Alexander Vladimirovich.
This online meeting "Information Technology Strategies in the Next Cycle of the UPU Congress" was held to inform the RCC members about the state of implementation of UPU IT tools, as well as the strategies and plans of the Postal Technology Center for the year.
The meeting provided an opportunity to talk directly, exchange ideas and identify issues that should be focused on in working with RCC in this area for the future.
The agenda of the above meeting included:
- Presentation of IT strategy for the next cycle of the UPU Congress;
- Status of IT activities in our region;
- Open discussion.
Following the meeting, the participants decided to hold a similar meeting in March 2021 in an expanded format with the members of the RCC Postal Operators Council (representatives of the working groups for operation and quality, e-commerce and financial services).
At the end of the meeting, Andrey Sudakov thanked the representatives for their participation, wished everyone good health and fruitful work.