On September 22, 2020, the 48th/37th joint-meeting of the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board was held, in the videoconference format using the Zoom application.
The meeting was attended by 39 representatives of Communications Administrations: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and full members of the RCC Postal Operators Board - LLC "Azerpost", CJSC "Haypost", RUE "Belpochta", JSC "Kazpost", State Enterprise "Kyrgyz Post", JSC "Russian Post", State Unitary Enterprise "Tajik Post", JSC "O'zbekiston Pochtasi" and representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.
The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission, Mamedov Novruz Gulu oglu, who noted that at today's meeting a number of important issues will be considered regarding participation in the Extraordinary Session of the UPU Council of Administration, development of an agreed position of the RCC participants in the work of the UPU Council of Administration. The Chairman wished everyone a fruitful and successful work.
Welcoming remarks were made by: the General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee - Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich, the Chairman of the Working Group on work with the UPU - Gordeenko Natalya Mikhailovna and the Chairman of the RCC Postal Operators Board - Faizullaev Alisher Nasibullaevich.
The agenda of the meeting included the following issues:
- On the preparation of reasonable proposals to support the participation of the Communications Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a member of the Council of Administration of the Universal Postal Union (UPU CA) during the session of the Extraordinary Session of the UPU AC;
- On the development of an agreed position of the RCC participants regarding a limited list of issues for consideration by the 27th UPU Congress, as well as the determination of the dates and venue of the Congress;
- On the preparation of the RCC General Proposals (RCC GP) for the 27th UPU Congress;
- On the proposals of the Communications Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the 27th UPU Congress;
- On the RCC proposal to strengthen the role of regional organizations in the UPU activities;
- On the time, place and agenda of the next joint meeting of the RCC Postal Commission and the RCC Postal Operators Board.
The event took place in a constructive atmosphere. Appropriate decisions were taken on the issues of the agenda.
Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission thanked the participants for the completed work, and also wished everyone good health and success.
The participants of the meeting, noting the leading role of the Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission, Mamedov Novruz Gulu oglu, in the meeting, expressed their gratitude to all RCC CAs for the well-coordinated work at the meeting of the Commission, as well as gratitude to the RCC Executive Committee for the preparation and technical support of the meeting of the Commission in the format of a videoconference.