The meeting of regulatory associations in the framework of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-20) was held on August 31, 2020. The event was attended by over 140 representatives of members of regional and international telecommunication organizations.
Opened the above-mentioned meeting and made a welcoming speech the Chairman of BEREC Michel Van Bellinghen.
The topic of discussion was focused on the role of regional and international organizations and regional cooperation in the post-COVID-19 world to address the challenges of building improvements. In addition, regional regulatory associations have shared information on their activities since the last Global Symposium for Regulators 2019.
The Agenda consisted of the following issues:
- Industry Advisory Group for Development Issues / Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers' (IAGDI - CRO);
- Session 1: Discuss how regulatory associations can collaborate and together identify solutions to improve recovery in the digital ecosystem in the post-COVID-19 world;
- COVID-19 - views and perspectives of the private sector through the eyes of the IAGDI-CRO to ICT regulators and policymakers;
- Session 2: presentation of the main projects and activities of each regulatory association;
- Role of the IAGDI-CRO in attracting more members of the ITU-D sector and contributing members to ITU development projects.
At the end of the meeting, Michel van Bellinghen thanked everyone for the active discussion of the issues on the agenda.
On September 1, 2020, the Round Table of the Heads of Regulatory Authorities was held within the framework of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-20).
On behalf of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications, the First Deputy Minister for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Pekos Oleg Andreevich took part in the above-mentioned meeting.
With this, the opening of the Sessions of the Global Symposium for Regulatory Authorities took place on the same day.
The first Session “Targeted Institutional Framework for Digital Transformation: Demystifying the Joint Regulatory Authority in the Post-COVID Digital Ecosystem” was attended by over 400 representatives from members of regional and international telecommunication organizations.
GSR-20 participants were welcomed by the General-Secretary of the International Telecommunication Union Houlin Zhao, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Doreen Bogdan-Martin, and the General-Director of the Postal and Telecommunications Authority of Sweden, Chairman of BEREC and Chairman of GSR Dan Sjöblom.
Representatives of the following Communications Administrations from the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications took part in the 1st Session of GSR-20: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At the same time, the staff of the RCC Executive Committee also took part in the above-mentioned Session of the GSR-20.
Session 1 Agenda consisted of the following topics:
- Powers and role of ICT/telecommunications regulators in the digital ecosystem in the post-COVID-19 world;
- Digital evolution and change in regulatory functions, capacities, skills and tools: are the regulators prepared enough to withstand new realities and digital transformation;
- What the collaboration looks like: with politicians, with other regulators, across all sectors, with a wide range of stakeholders;
- Autonomy and independence: rule-making in a world of cooperation;
- 20 years of sector transformation and competition: moving towards fact-based decision making;
- Joint Regulators in Action: The Case of Digital Financial Services.
At the end of the meeting, Chairman of the GSR Dan Sjöblom thanked everyone for their participation and outlined further activities in the framework of the Global Symposium for Regulators 2020.
The 2nd and 3rd Sessions of the Global Symposium for Regulators 2020 were held on September 2, 2020.
The above-mentioned Sessions were attended by the Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Doreen Bogdan-Martin and the Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau Mario Manevich, more than 370 ICT specialists, including the staff of the RCC Executive Committee.
Session 2 was dedicated to the competition in the digital age: collaborative and cooperative approaches. The session was moderated by Chairman of the Telecommunication Administration of Pakistan, Amir Azim Bajwa.
The following topics were discussed in this Session:
- From pre-regulation to post-factum regulation: are we already in place?
- Transparent, competitive and non-discriminatory markets and access to facilities and services: is it still possible to have a level playing field for all digital players? Are co-regulation and partnerships the answer?
- Integration of verticals and new technologies: a changing competitive environment;
- Interconnection, compatibility and open access;
- Competition for data, the need for data-driven regulation and co-regulation;
- Incentives for a sustainable competitive environment that foster engagement, innovation and investment, lessons learned from COVID-19.
Session 3 focused on the spectrum assessment and allocation mechanisms (for new services such as 5G) after WRC-19 and after COVID-19. The session was moderated by Chairman of the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency, Leonardo Euler de Morais.
The following topics were discussed in this Session:
- Using the spectrum for temporary emergencies: lessons learned from COVID-19;
- The role of spectrum in the digital transformation process;
- Spectrum assessment as an economic and social tool: preliminary government revenues or wider network rollout for more access?
- Are fees and taxes per spectrum a barrier to new deployments?
- Principles for spectrum licensing for new services (eg 5G) and non-traditional networks.
The final events of the Global Symposium for Regulators 2020 were held on September 3, 2020.
Session 4 was dedicated to digital security in the post-COVID-19 world. The session was moderated by Chairman of the Communications Regulatory Authority of Mozambique, Professor Américo Muchanga.
The following topics were discussed in this Session:
- Keeping infrastructure, networks, people and things safe and secure at all times: measures to ensure policy readiness and risk mitigation, taking into account the lessons learned from the pandemic;
- Creating a safe and reliable digital ecosystem: understanding cyber threats, joint security;
- Internet security and cyber resilience: who is in charge?
- Secure digital identity for secure use on the Internet: the role of the regulator;
- Regulatory initiatives to protect children online in the post-COVID-19 world;
- Engaging consumers in a digital society: expanding reliable electronic services and their usage (data confidentiality, data ownership, security risks and intellectual property rights);
- The need for multilateral (public-private) global and regional cooperation.
Session 5 was dedicated to the issue of sustainable and inclusive society: accessible ICTs so that no one is left behind. This Session was moderated by Michel Van Bellinghen, Chairman of the Belgian Institute for Post-Services and Telecommunications (IBPT), the new Chairman of BEREC.
The following topics were discussed in this Session:
- Policies and regulatory instruments to support the inclusion of all, including people with disabilities, in the digital age;
- Innovative approaches that facilitate the digital transformation process for everyone;
- Ensuring access to basic and specialized education and training programs in the field of ICT for all (including e-learning tools), so that no one is left behind.
At the Closing of the 2020 Global Symposium for Regulators, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau Doreen Bogdan-Martin, summed up the results of the GSR-20 events and thanked all the participants for the opportunity to join, despite the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year's topic of discussion was focused on the role of regional and international organizations and the regional cooperation in the post-COVID-19 world.
GSR-20 provided an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge, and identify emerging regulatory tools and approaches to ensure affordable, safe and reliable connectivity and online access for people all around the world.