The meeting was opened by Valery Vladimirovich Butenko, Chairman of the RCC Commission for RFS and SO, Chief Designer of FSUE "NIIR". He proposes to consider the issue of the radio frequency sector for the development of 5G/IMT-2020 technologies in the countries of the RCC Members, as well as the results of the work of the Commission Working Bodies, meetings of which were held from August 18 to 28, 2020.
More than 70 representatives of communication administrations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Radiocommunication Bureau (RB) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Union of Radio Amateurs of Area 1, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT), GSA and the RCC Executive Committee participated in the meeting.
The General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich addressed the meeting participants with a welcoming speech, who noted that the development of information and communication technologies is one of the main criteria for the growth of the economic and social potential of the RCC Member-States, and an important indicator of the degree of integration into the world economy.
On behalf of the ITU, the Director of the RB Mario Maniewicz made a welcoming speech. He noted the great contribution of the RCC to the preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conferences and wished a fruitwul work to the participants of the meeting, which will allow all the RCC Member-States to prepare for the WRC-23 at a high scientific and technical level. Also, the Director of the ITU RB announced the readiness of the ITU RB to assist the RCC Member-States in resolving issues on the practical aspects of the application and registration of frequency assignments to space and ground radiocommunication services.
During the discussion of the preparation for the WRC-23, the Chairman of the Working Group on Preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (CPG23) of the CEPT Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) , Alexander Kholod, presented an information on the preparations for the WRC-23 in CEPT.
At the meeting of the RCC Commission, topical issues of radio communication, broadcasting and reports of the Working Bodies of the Commission were considered.
The following documents developed by the WG RA/WRC were approved:
- preliminary position of the RCC CAs on the items of the WRC-23 agenda, version of September 4, 2020;
- questionnaire on the Use/Application of Reference Frequency and Time Signals (RFS) distributed on the territory of the RCC Member-States by the ground stations of the standard frequency and time signals service as well as by the global navigation satellite systems..
- contribution to the ITU-R Working Group 5D "Research Related to Article 21.5 of Article 21 PP for IMT Stations with active antenna systems".
- contribution to the ITU-R Task Force 6/1 "Organization of ITU-R TF 6/1 to conduct studies related to item 1.5 of the WRC-23 agenda".
In preparation for the joint 56/26 meeting of the RCC Board of the CAs Heads and the Coordination Council, the participants of the meetings considered the information of the Working Group on Radio Frequency Spectrum Management (WG RFS) on the current and planned implementation of 5G/IMT-2020 systems in the RCC Member-States.
The participants of the meeting also considered the reference material "Deployment of LoRaWAN networks" and recommended it for the usage by the RCC CAs.
The issues on organizing the preparation of proposals for additional channels to the Geneva-06 Plan in the 470-694 MHz radio frequency band were discussed, and methods of applying the technical foundations for EMC calculations and frequency-territorial planning were determined.
The Commission thanked Almira Rafailovna Gataulina (CA of Uzbekistan) for many years of contribution to the work of the Commission on the Regulation of the usage of the Radio Frequency Spectrum and Satellite Orbits.
The next meeting of the Commission and its Working Bodies is planned to be held in March-April 2021.
The participants of the meeting, noting the leading role of the Chairman of the Commission, Valery Vladimirovich Butenko in the preparation and conduction of the meeting, expressed their gratitude to all RCC CAs for the well-coordinated work at the meeting of the Commission and its Working Bodies, as well as gratitude to the Communications Administration of the Russian Federation and FSUE "NIIR" for the technical support of the meetings of the Commission and its Working Bodies in the format of the videoconference and the RCC Executive Committee for the preparation of the above-mentioned meetings.