The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a wide range of issues to develop agreed approaches in the current situation regarding the timing, venue and further preparation of the RCC CAs for the 27th UPU Congress.
The meeting was attended by the representatives of the RCC Communications Administrations of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and full members of the RCC Postal Operators Board - Azerpost LLC, CJSC Haypost ”, RUE“ Belposhta ”JSC“ Kazpost ”, SE“ Kyrgyz Pochtasy ”, JSC“ Russian Post ”, State Unitary Enterprise“ Mail Tochik ”, JSC“ Uzbekistan Pochtasy ”and representatives of the RCC Executive Committee.
The Informal meeting was opened by the General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee, Mukhitdinov Nurudin Nasretdinovich.
Welcoming remarks were addressed to the meeting participants:
- Chairman of the RCC Working Group on working with UPU, Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Gordeenko,
- Chairman of the RCC Postal Commission, Head of the Postal Sector of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies Mammadov Novruz Gulu oglu,
- Chairman of the RCC Postal Operators Board, General Director JSC “Uzbekistan Posthtay” Fayzullaev Alisher Nasibullaevich.
The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the UPU Working Group, N. M. Gordeenko
The following issues were considered at the meeting:
1. On the preparation of the RCC Communications Administrations for the 27th UPU Congress.
2. About the draft new Resolution “Strengthening and development of UPU cooperation
with regional unions. "
3. On the preparation of proposals for amending the Procedure for submitting proposals to Congress of Article 138 of the General Regulations.
On the first issue on the agenda, the discussion took place in a round table format. Based on the discussion, a unanimously agreed decision was made on the feasibility of holding the 27th UPU Congress in a truncated format in November-December 2020 (Geneva).
Taking into account that the Communications Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of the Administrative Council of the Universal Postal Union (AC UPU), the meeting participants asked the CA of the Republic of Kazakhstan to send an offer to the Chairman of the AC UPU to hold an extraordinary meeting of the AC UPU to determine the place, time and include it on the agenda the question of the election of the UPU leadership.
A discussion was held on the second and third issues on the agenda and appropriate decisions were made.
An informal meeting was held using "Zoom" video conferencing service.
The meeting was moderated by the Deputy General Director of the RCC Executive Committee, Zorya Natalya Evgenievna, the technical moderator of the meeting was the Head of the RCC Executive Committee Technical Support Group, Deputy General-Director of the RCC Executive Committee Kadyrkulov Almazbek Apandievich.
The above-mentioned meeting from the RCC Executive Committee was also attended by Alexander Vladimirovich Kirichenko, Head of the ITU, UPU and RO Sector, and specialists from sectors of the RCC Executive Committee.