The International Conference on Holographic Telepresence Technologies and Holnetverse/ICHTTH took place on December 04 - 05, 2024 in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
The conference goal is in the identification, investigation, and integration of new algorithms, approaches, architectures, methods, and mechanisms to enable proper and efficient operation of 6G integrated network to support the applications and use case of metaverse.
The conference welcomes academic researchers and industry practitioners to present research works, exchange new ideas, and identify future directions in the field of metaverse and 6G networks.
On December 04, 2024, Alexey Borodin, RCC Director General, spoke at the opening of the Conference and also took part in one of the round tables of ICHTTH 2024.
Key topics of the discussion during the Conference:
• Metaverse Architectures and Applications
• Approaches to building multiverses
• Metaverse and Mobile Edge Computing
• Reliable SDN multi-Controller
• AR/VR and Metaverse
• Holographic-Type Communication
• Telepresence and Holographic Networks
• Human-robot interface for developingthe Robot-Avatar services
• Meta-Holographic Image Quality
The discussions at ICHTTH 2024 are based on the authors' papers of 21 scientific articles selected by the Conference Program Committee for consideration this year. A total of 76 articles from 10 countries were submitted to the Conference.
It is important to note that during the first day of the Conference the first meta-universe for the CIS region was tested for the first time - it was created by a team of researchers from the Department of Communication Networks and Data Transmission of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications under the leadership of Prof. Andrey Koucheryavy.
During the Conference, the textbook “Sixth Generation Communication Networks. Fractal Architectures, Holographic Interactions, Network Robots”.
Authors of the textbook are: A. Koucheryavy, A. Dawood, A. Volkov, A. Muthanna, A. Paramonov, V. Elagin, R. Dunaytsev, S. Vladimirov, L. Gorbacheva, M. Zakharov, A. Marochkina, B.Anvarzhonov, B. Pankov, D. Svechnikov
Authors point out, that the emergence of super-dense communication networks, communication networks with ultra-low delays, the possibility of implementing holographic type connections in fifth and sixth generation communication networks, the use of robots as terminal network devices, the beginning of the introduction of telepresence services have changed the outlook on building communication networks in general and on the prospects for their development.
"These processes taking place before our eyes require not only a different approach to research activities in the field of communication networks, but even more require direct integration of scientific and educational activities, which leads to the need to create a new textbook on communication networks for students of higher education educational programs." - written in the textbook's introduction
The first copy of the textbook was presented to the RCC Director General by Prof. A. Koucheryavy.