On November 28, 2024 in Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan Khalilillo Turakhujaev and the Director General of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, Alexey Borodin.
The conversation took place on the margins of the 43rd meeting of the Headquarters for Joint Investigations of the Violations of the Antimonopoly Legislation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Countries and the 57th meeting of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy (ICAP) of the CIS Countries.
The parties discussed issues of topical importance for the field of communications and antimonopoly activity, relevance of which in the RCC Member-States, in particular, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, is constantly increasing, including the issues of formation of fair tariffs for communication services in roaming in the CIS, the activities of participants of digital platforms, ensuring access to the services of satellite communication systems, etc. The parties also discussed the issues of the CIS Countries' access to the services of satellite communication systems.
The meeting was conducted in a friendly and open atmosphere, and at its conclusion the parties agreed that the ICAP and the RCC have a long and laborious work ahead of them in order to develop common solutions for the region in the above-mentioned areas.