On15 October 2024, a meeting of the expert group was held, which was attended by the representatives of ministries and agencies of the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of sectoral cooperation bodies and other CIS bodies, scientific community, members of the Commission on Economic Issues at the CIS Economic Council, representatives of the CIS Executive Committee and the RCC Executive Committee
The CIS Economic Development Strategy is the key programme document of the Commonwealth, which sets the main directions for the development of cooperation of the CIS Member-States in the economic sphere.
The key topic was digitalization, and experts focused on finalising the section of the draft devoted to the digital development of society, information technologies, communication services and the digital economy. Important decisions were taken that bring the CIS closer to a new era of digital progress.
The next meeting of the expert group will be held in December 2024.
On16 October 2024, a meeting of the Commission on Economic Issues under the CIS Economic Council was held, where various aspects of economic cooperation between CIS Member-States were considered.
To the attention of the Commission members was presented a draft Decision of the CIS Economic Council on granting the status of a basic organisation of the CIS Member-States, which provides methodological and organisational and technical support of works in the field of information and communication technologies to the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management ‘Digital Support Centre of Digital Government’ of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The objectives of the Enterprise are to conduct scientific research in the field of mathematics, information and communication technologies and related areas of science, effective implementation of the results obtained in practice, scientific expertise, research in the field of personal data protection.